our engagement party.

Friday nights are usually when people like to go out to dinner, spend time with their friends, see a movie, or take a weekend trip. Not me, I prefer reading or watching Netflix. Typical introvert.

This past Friday however, I strayed from my usual routine. Mark and I were thrown a fantastic engagement party by our dear friend Tori and it was a blast! Seriously, I felt so loved and encouraged and went to bed with the biggest smile on my face.

Real quick, let me just throw out a real quick thank you to everyone that has given me advice, supported Mark and I, and helped us with wedding planning so far. We really appreciate it!

We had such a great time celebrating our engagement with friends. We started the night out with mingling, snacks, and pictures and ended the night with games and dancing to 80's music. A toast was somewhere in-between and the next thing I knew, it was over. So much fun!

Here are a few pictures from the night that were my favorites:

It was simply perfect. (and look at the cake Tori surprised us with^^) We played some games, which I'll be posting about tomorrow, watched Moonrise Kingdom, had a toast, and danced to 80s music. We felt so loved and blessed.  


  1. You have such thoughtful friends! :) It sounds like the perfect engagement party!

  2. Congratulations! This kind of parties are usually the best ones :) Keep having fun on this processes towards the aisle, it's just the beginning of great things!

  3. :) They're great. It was really fun!

  4. Aww this party look so homey and thoughtful. The cake looks amazing! I am so happy for you :)

  5. Thank you so much Holly, it means so much :)


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